mod(x, y): Modulus

Modulus or remainder function.



retval = mod(x, y)
elemental integer function imod(x, y)
elemental real(sp) function mod(x, y)


x the input value, can be integer or real.

y second input parameter should be same type and kind as x and not equal to 0.

Return values

The return value is of type and kind same as of x. The result is calculated using mathematical modulo or remainder as:

x - INT (x / y) * y.

If y is 0, the result is undefined like any integer value / 0.


mod(x, y) calculates and returns modulo or remainder when x is divided by y. The result is calculated using

x - INT(x / y) * y

i.e., result is remainder when first argument is mathematically divided by second argument.

The return value should be less than y.


Supported argument types are real and integer.

interface mod
    module procedure i8mod, i16mod, imod, i64mod, smod, dmod
end interface


elemental integer(i16) function i16mod(x, y)
integer(i16), intent(in) :: x, y
end function

elemental integer(i8) function i8mod(x, y)
integer(i8), intent(in) :: x, y
end function

elemental integer function imod(x, y)
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
end function

elemental integer function i64mod(x, y)
integer(i64), intent(in) :: x, y
end function

elemental real(sp) function smod(x, y)
real(sp), intent(in) :: x, y
end function

elemental real(dp) function dmod(x, y)
real(dp), intent(in) :: x, y
end function


program intrinsics_mod
    implicit none
	print *, mod(-5, 3)
end program



See Also

ceiling, floor.