date_and_time([date, time, zone, values]): Date and Time

Date and time subroutine.



call date_and_time([date, time, zone, values])
subroutine date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)


date the input value of character type, which has length 8 or larger. It is of default kind. It is intent(out) and has form ccyymmdd.

time the input value of character type, which has length 10 or larger. It is of default kind. It is intent(out) and has form hhmmss.sss.

zone the input value of character type, which has length 5 or larger. It is of default kind. It is intent(out) and has from (+-)hhmm, representing the difference with respect to Coordinates Universal Time (UTC). Unavailable time and date parameters return blanks.

values the input value of integer type, 8 bits. It is intent(out). It provides the following:

  • value(1): The year.

  • value(2): The month.

  • value(3): The day of the month.

  • value(4): Time difference with UTC in minutes.

  • value(5): The hour of the day.

  • value(6): The minutes of the hour.

  • value(7): The seconds of the minutes.

  • value(8): The milliseconds of the second.

Valores devueltos



date_and_time([date, time, zone, values]) reports the corresponding date and time information from the real time system clock.

date, time, zone, values represents date, time, zone, and values as decribed in arguments above.

Unavailable or errorneous date and time parameters return blanks.


Supported input parameter types is real with intent(out).

subroutine date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)
    character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: date, time, zone
	integer, intent(out), optional :: values(8)
end subroutine


program intrinsics_date_and_time
    implicit none
	character(len=8)  :: date
	character(len=10) :: time
	character(len=5)  :: zone
	integer,dimension(8) :: values
	! using keyword arguments
	call date_and_time(date,time,zone,values)
	call date_and_time(date=date,zone=zone)
	call date_and_time(time=time)
	call date_and_time(values=values)
	print '(a,2x,a,2x,a)', date, time, zone
	print '(8i5)', values
end program


20220812  075654.679  +0000
2022    8   12    0    7   56   54  679

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